Thursday, March 26, 2009

Venus de Milo; A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother

Won't be around tomorrow, so here's two! Have a good weekend.

(Alexandros of Antioch, Aphrodite of Milos aka Venus de Milo, c. 120 BC)

This one's phrasing is taken from my roommate, as our cats do this a lot:

(Eugène Delacroix, A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother, 1830)


Regina said...

Tiger mom does not fuck around.

Seriously, though, if I was an apex predator with a skinny little rat tail like she has, I'd have a short fuse too.

Pooka said...

Yeah, I think it's clear Delacroix never saw a tiger. Or at least he was too busy leaping heroically from its snapping jaws to take a look at its bum.